opakeinstitute@alvernia.edu 484.254.2125

Nick Nutile

Graduate Assistant of Community Base Campuses: Pottsville

Major: BA in Finance and Economics

Master of Business Administration 

Graduation Year: 2024

Hometown: Linwood, NJ

Personality Type: Logistician, ISTJ-A

What are your goals in the future?

My future goals are to graduate with an MBA while gaining experience in the Finance and Economic field.

How will O’Pake help you reach these goals?

O’Pake will provide me with knowledge and give me experience with real world opportunities so that I will be prepared and make connections for career opportunities.

What is your favorite memory at Alvernia?

My favorite Alvernia memory is winning the MAC championship freshman year for baseball.

What made you decide to study at Alvernia?

I decided to study at Alvernia because I had the ability to play baseball while getting an education from a business department that has been rapidly growing.

Who or what inspires you and why?

My father because of his hard work and passion for success in life

What is a quote that you abide by?

“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard”


What is something that someone would be surprised to learn about you?

I broke my femur when I was younger.